Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hard Core: Women's Reflections on Iraq First Production

Hard Core cast members: Catherine Cox, Kenlyn Kanouse, Neda Armstrong,
and Amber Scott. Photo by Steve K. Zylius
So after about a year of working to put together Hard Core: Women's Reflections on Iraq, the first script from the Women and War project, we finally had our production which opened on Veteran's Day at the Hunger Artists.

I'm quite proud of the production. We had 8 wonderful actresses and one actor fill the shoes of our interviewees and they brought truth and compassion to these roles. It was quite scary and difficult for me to be in the audience when some of the people we interviewed came to the show, but I can't imagine how it may be for them to relive some of these moments. However, I think that it was a thought-provoking show and many audience members commented that they still wanted to know more. My amazing co-editor, Margaret O'Hora, and I plan on revising and hope to take this script to other theatres as well.

As I worked on editing the interviews into a script as well as rehearsing, I became more and more obsessed with hearing as much as I could about Iraq. I'd read as much as I could and tried to listen to the news often. Everything became more personal to me and I kept thinking about it as much as possible. I can't say that it was ever the same as some of the people I interviewed, but I definitely became more aware and that was my hope for the project--to make people more aware.

However, after the close of the show, I went back to not being quite as obsessed with Iraq. Yes, I still listen and read articles, but I have the luxury of not having this consume my thoughts. And then I keep thinking of those who can't push this as easily away as many Americans do.

Catherine Cox, Amber Scott, Katie Chidester, and Rose Chang rehearsing Hard Core.
Photo by Steve K. Zylius.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.